Friday, August 17, 2007

Left behind

Special thanks this week to Randy Bonifield for his performance. And thanks to the nearly overwhelming chunk of email I received from a bunch of people.

Christians - it's OK to poke fun of ourselves, especially when we deserve it. It's also OK for everyone else to make fun of us when we get things wrong.

There's no way that I can actually debunk all of the misconceptions around the second-coming of Christ as portrayed in the Left Behind novels and movies. The only thing we can be sure of is that Jesus is coming back. We won't know when (like a thief in the night). It seems pretty likely that it will be in Jerusalem and he will come out of the East. We probably won't disappear and have our clothes Left Behind like it showed in the movie. What we're wearing might not matter so much.

What do you think about that?

If a comment isn't quite the right place for a question or thought you have around what I'm talking about, please don't hesitate to shoot a note my way: brianatkinson [at]

Go ahead and leave a comment if you want - I think this could be some good discussion.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love laughing at those crazy Christians, they're so goofy. I should know -- I am one. If you can't laugh at yourself, it's against the law to laugh at anyone else.