Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Moving Steve to Violence

Some of you may know Steve from a previous post - the one with the giant gum ball. My friend Steve works for Yahoo! Steve and I have known each other for about 13 years, back when he was a student and I was on staff at Calvin College. Later Steve worked for me as a student and some time later on staff before he moved to California (swimming pools, movie stars) and Silicon Valley. When Steve was a student, a few of us around the office made up a game called "move Steve to violence".

The object was to say or do something that would move the normally well balanced Mr. Steve, a mild-mannered software developer, to a state of uncontrollable rage and of course, violence. The violence expressed itself in a variety of ways, from actual physical beatings, to a hand simply raised and poised for a strike.

Over the years, Steve, in his good-natured way, has allowed me to keep this game going and with this picture posted on his flickr pages, I had to relate a story from last week.

Recently the news has been afflicted with stories of Microsoft making a play for Steve's home turf. I sent Steve, the passionate Mac user, a text message that read, "So, are you MS Steve yet?"
To which he replied, "I am permanently moved to violence."
Thanks Steve.

What moves you to violence? (Nerf-gun violence counts, don't let Steve try to tell you differently)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ya like at the dinner we had when steve came at red robin lol- this is zeke Dana