Monday, July 21, 2008

Can't start soon enough

The Arena Football season is drawing to a close and that means NFL isn't far behind, and that means Fantasy Football!

I placed 5th last year - right in the middle of the pack with a group of friends. The Fightin' Amish will live to fight another day, but since I've moved to Grand Haven, I thought I should come up with some other potential team names. So - with my apologies to David Letterman (and other mis-users of the top-10 list) here are my top 10 rejected Grand Haven Football Team names:

10) Beacon
9) The Loyal Townies
8) The Retired Beachcombers
7) Hey I'm from Chicago too!
6) I just came in from GR for the weekend
5) I'm sooooo drunk
4) How do you get to the beach from here?
3) The Lousy Tourists
2) The Mighty Coast Guards (thanks Sylvia)
1) The Disappointing Musical Fountain

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