Monday, March 5, 2007

Fun with Search Engine Optimization

From time to time I teach classes on "search engine optimization". I know what you're thinking, "could Brian get any dorkier?" The answer to that question is of course, "YES! - oh sweet fancy Moses, Yes!" If you've ever taken one of my classes, you know that "click here" is a serious no-no. You've learned some fun tricks, do's and don'ts and hopefully you were entertained.

Search Engine Optimization is the process by which you use all the right code, words, and ads on your web page to bring your page to the top of the search page when someone searches for particular words.

Sometimes things don't work out the way you want to, but I have a feeling the fine folks at meant these results to come out just the way they did.

You can try this yourself.
1) Go to Google.
2) type "french military victories" in the search window
3) click the "I'm feeling lucky" button (brings you to the first search result)
4) giggle

Or - just 'click here'

Thanks Brian

1 comment:

Morgan said...

Wow, that is funny. And if anyone french reads this, I mean that's awful.