Thursday, March 29, 2007


This is a photo of the pictograph instructions on a restroom hand dryer.

I thought of a couple of interpretations, which ones make the most sense to you?

1) rub hands together under warm air until dry.
2) angle vent to dry face

1) rub hands together under warm air until dry.
2) insert hand into vent and pull down to bake your head

1) rub hands together under warm air until dry.
2) insert hand directly into fan blades to cover face with blood


Unknown said...

definitely c.

Burning Gnome said...

1) clap if you truly believe in the magical air fairy in the box
2) press down and look into slot to receive gift from air fairy

Anonymous said...

It should be more like:
1) wave your wet hands around furiously under the air dryer trying to get it to turn on like you did in front of the optical paper towel machine with the same non-responsive results.

2) Look into the machine and yell profanities at it to see if that will improve your mood. By the time you're through, your hands will be significantly dryer than they were a good 4 minutes ago.