Friday, June 15, 2007

Giving myself the finger

This morning I emptied my dishwasher. Now if that's not the beginning of a great story, I don't know what is.

I pulled out my Complimentary Cereal Bowl when it suddenly slipped from my grasp. I managed to grab it in mid-air and keep it from crashing to the floor. (note to self, buy a broom just in case) When I snagged it with my cat-like reflexes, the smallest digit of the pinky on my right hand bent up on the lip of the bowl. I heard a pop.

Normally, snaps, crackles and pops near a cereal bowl are good things. This was not so good. I immediately noticed that I could not straighten out my finger. Here's a picture if you want to get a little grossed out. It hurt. It didn't hurt when I laid it out flat on the counter. So I fixed up a little splint with some tape and the handle from a plastic knife from Wendy's. That was better.

I called my mom, the NP and asked for some quick medical advice. She said, "Oh, you've got trigger finger. Get it X-rayed and have someone check it out." I went to the medical center nearby. I was out of there in about an hour with a splint on my little finger and orders to avoid anything that I didn't feel like doing. That's right, I have medical permission to milk this any way I want.

The tendon that holds that last digit out straight snapped. Boy if that doesn't make you take the fragility of the human body into consideration, what will?

I have to leave the splint on for at least 6 weeks. I should see a hand surgeon as soon as possible to see if we can re-attach the tendon. I'm waiting for my doctor to get back to me on that.


Mallet Finger


Unknown said...

housework is very dangerous! which is something that i've maintained for years.

Morgan said...

With a cereal bowl of all things. Wow.

dmaher said...

Clever title...and true! Long live paper plates - and housekeepers - and the expensive little boxes of cereal where you just add milk.

Anonymous said...

Ya, I kno wut it feels like! It made me go into shock when i couldnt feel it. It was kinda nasty when you look at medical pics. I did it "buuzzing" my friend (when you jab yr index fingers into their ribs) when my finger drooped. hat a wonderful feeling (ugh)!