Monday, June 4, 2007

When Vending Machines go bad

Oh the vending machine is a curious thing.
You put money in and jiggle the thing.
Press a button and something comes out.
Your cash for their stuff is what they're about.

I took this picture of vending machines gone bad at a rest stop in Mississippi. As amusing as this is to me, it doesn't hold a candle to this little beauty. A vending machine of live bait - spotted by my friend Adam.

I've seen these at gas stations along some highways in Michigan. Adam spotted his near his home in Alaska.

Question: How often does one have to refill the live bait to keep it "live?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually, that live bait vending machine is in Michigan, off 131 on 100th street.

Yes, I'm in Michigan right now!